Minecraft XConomy Setup

Last Edit: 2024.07.30

Debian / Ubuntu


Setup the XConomy plugin on a PaperMC Minecraft server.


Setup Database

Open a MariaDB session as an administrative user. Enter the password when prompted.

mariadb -u sqladmin -p

Create Database

Create a new database named xconomy.

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS xconomy CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;

Create User

Create a SQL user to access the xconomy database: xconomyuser. When generating a password, keep it at 41 characters with the mysql_native_password plugin.

CREATE USER 'xconomyuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Generated_Secure_Password';

Database Permissions

Grant the xconomyuser user access to the xconomy database.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON xconomy.* TO 'xconomyuser'@'localhost';

Plugin Setup

Download and Install the XConomy plugin.

Download XConomy

Download XConomy from GitHub using wget. The following command will save the file to the /tmp directory.

wget https://github.com/YiC200333/XConomy/releases/download/2.25.8/XConomy-Bukkit-2.25.8.jar --directory-prefix /tmp

Install XConomy

On the Minecraft server, copy the plugin file to the plugins directory within the Minecraft server directory.

cp /tmp/XConomy-Bukkit-2.25.8.jar /opt/minecraft/server/plugins/

Modify the file permissions as required.

chown minecraft:minecraft /opt/minecraft/server/plugins/XConomy-Bukkit-2.25.8.jar
chmod 640 /opt/minecraft/server/plugins/XConomy-Bukkit-2.25.8.jar

Restart Minecraft to generate the configuration files for XConomy.

sudo systemctl stop minecraft && sudo systemctl start minecraft

Modify the XConomy configuration directory so the files can only be accessed by the user and group. This prevents other system users from being able to view login credentials.

find /opt/minecraft/server/plugins/XConomy -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \; &\
find /opt/minecraft/server/plugins/XConomy -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;

Configure XConomy


Open the XConomy database configuration file in an editor. Find the database.yml file in the plugins/XConomy directory.

nano /opt/minecraft/server/plugins/XConomy/database.yml

Configure the database information based on the created database and host provider. Verify the values match those used during the creation process.

If the server is running Minecraft version 1.16.x or lower, the DatabaseDrivers plugin is also required.

  #SQLite MySQL MariaDB
  #MariaDB require DatabaseDrivers
  storage-type: MariaDB
  #Use connection pool or not
  #Require 'slf4j' dependencies
  #At least java version 11 is required
  usepool: false

#MySQL settings
  host: localhost
  port: 3306
  user: xconomyuser
  pass: Generated_Secure_Password
  database: xconomy
  #auto add "_", can use %sign% to indicate Server ID (BungeeCord settings)
  table-suffix: '' 
    usessl: false
    encoding: utf8
    timezone: ''  
    allowPublicKeyRetrieval: false


Open the config.yml file, also in the plugings/XConomy directory, to modify general plugin configuration.

nano /opt/minecraft/server/plugins/XConomy/config.yml

Read through the configuration, it is well-commented. The default settings will be suitable for most people. Note that some configurations require additional plugins or software, and can be ignored if not applicable.


Modify message notifcations that will be sent to players during economy events. Requires no modification by default.

nano /opt/minecraft/server/plugins/XConomy/message.yml


Missing Configuration

If the configuration directory is missing after launching Minecraft with the plugin installed, this may be due to an unknown error with the PaperMC variant of XConomy. Verify the Bukkit variant is installed on the server, Bukkit plugins work with PaperMC without issue. Use file XConomy-Bukkit-x.x.x.jar, not XConomy-Paper-x.x.x.jar. After relaunching Minecraft, the XConomy plugin directory should be created.


1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. YiC. “XConomy.” 2023. ↩︎

  2. YiC200333. “XConomy GitHub.” 2023. ↩︎

  3. Fandom. “Minecraft Wiki.” 2024. ↩︎

  4. MariaDB. “MariaDB Documentation.” 2024. ↩︎

  5. MariaDB. “MariaDB Knowledge Base.” 2024. ↩︎

  6. Oracle. “MySQL Documentation.” 2024. ↩︎