Flatcar Setup on Raspberry Pi
Setup Flatcar Container Linux on a Raspberry Pi.
Flatcar is best suited for the Raspberry Pi 4. Be sure to read the firmware developers initial notice.
Firmware is still in active development for the Raspberry Pi 5, refer to the status tables on GitHub. The installation process for the Raspberry Pi 5 is still documented here for those interested.
Flatcar will boot-loop on the Raspberry Pi 3. This is likely an issue with the bootloader, and is noted in a closed issue on GitHub. The installation process for the Raspberry Pi 3 is still documented here for those interested, maybe you can solve the issue.
It is recommended to install Flatcar on a USB drive instead of an SD card; this requires enabling USB boot mode for the Pi.
Download Flatcar Installer
Download the Flatcar installer from the Flatcar System Initialization GitHub Repository to your local system.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flatcar/init/flatcar-master/bin/flatcar-install --directory-prefix=/tmp/
Modify the Flatcar installer permissions so it is executable by the user only.
chmod 700 /tmp/flatcar-install
Generate SSH Key
Generate a new RSA 4096 or Ed25519 SSH key pair using ssh-keygen
RSA 4096:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
When prompted, specify a filename and enter a secure password to encrypt the private key with. The key will be generated and two files will be created with your chosen filename (id_rsa
by default).
- Private key used for authentication. Store in a secure location and do not share it.id_rsa.pub
- Public key. Placed on the server to verify the private key when opening a connection.
Verify the private key can only be accessed by the user.
chmod go= id_rsa
Create Ignition Configuration
Create an Ignition file to configure the system on boot.
nano /tmp/config.json
Use the following configuration from the Flatcar documentation1. Replace <Insert_your_SSH_Keys_here>
with the SSH public key generated in the previous step (the contents of id_rsa.pub
). Note the username core
for connecting later.
Example key definition, include quotes: "ssh-ed25519 GENERATED-KEY-HERE [email protected]"
"ignition": {
"config": {},
"security": {
"tls": {}
"timeouts": {},
"version": "2.3.0"
"networkd": {},
"passwd": {
"users": [
"name": "core",
"sshAuthorizedKeys": [
"storage": {
"files": [
"filesystem": "OEM",
"path": "/grub.cfg",
"append": true,
"contents": {
"source": "data:,set%20linux_console%3D%22console%3DttyAMA0%2C115200n8%20console%3Dtty1%22%0Aset%20linux_append%3D%22flatcar.autologin%20usbcore.autosuspend%3D-1%22%0A",
"verification": {}
"mode": 420
"filesystems": [
"mount": {
"device": "/dev/disk/by-label/OEM",
"format": "btrfs"
"name": "OEM"
"systemd": {}
Install Flatcar
Verify the device you want to install Flatcar on, either USB or SD, is connected to your computer. Determine the device identifier using lsblk
The output will list all connected storage devices. For this example, device sdb
is the one to install Flatcar on.
sdb 8:1 1 42.0G 0 disk
└─sdb1 8:2 1 42.0G 0 part
Install Flatcar to the drive with the following command. Replace /dev/sdb
with the correct device identifier, and verify the config.json
path is correct.
sudo /tmp/flatcar-install -d /dev/sdb -C stable -B arm64-usr -o '' -i /tmp/config.json
The installation process will start and it will notify you when completed.
Installing Ignition config config.json...
Success! Flatcar Container Linux stable 3815.2.1 is installed on /dev/sdb
Install Raspberry Pi Firmware
Community firmware is required to boot Flatcar using UEFI. The firmware will be installed to the EFI partition of the device that Flatcar was just insatalled on.
Mount EFI Partition
Create a new directory to mount the EFI partition to.
mkdir /tmp/efipartition
Mount the EFI partition from the Flatcar device. Replace /dev/sdb
with the device identifier, used earlier to install Flatcar.
efipartition=$(lsblk /dev/sdb -oLABEL,PATH | awk '$1 == "EFI-SYSTEM" {print $2}') &&\
sudo mount ${efipartition} /tmp/efipartition
Install RPi 4 Firmware
If using a Raspberry Pi 4, download the latest firmware from the Raspberry Pi 4 UEFI Firmware GitHub page. At the time of writing this was version 1.38
wget https://github.com/pftf/RPi4/releases/download/v1.38/RPi4_UEFI_Firmware_v1.38.zip --directory-prefix=/tmp/
Extract the downloaded Raspberry Pi Firmware to the mounted EFI partition.
sudo unzip /tmp/RPi4_UEFI_Firmware_v1.38.zip -d /tmp/efipartition
Review the firmware developer’s initial notice. The following is a quote from that section.
- “A 3 GB RAM limit is enforced by default, even if you are using a Raspberry Pi 4 model that has 4 GB or 8 GB of RAM, on account that the OS must patch DMA access, to work around a hardware bug that is present in the Broadcom SoC. For Linux this usually translates to using a recent kernel (version 5.8 or later) and for Windows this requires the installation of a filter driver. If you are running an OS that has been adequately patched, you can disable the 3 GB limit by going to Device Manager > Raspberry Pi Configuration > Advanced Settings in the UEFI settings.”
Install RPi 5 Firmware
If using a Raspberry Pi 5, download the latest firmware from the Windows on R Raspberry Pi 5 UEFI GitHub page. At the time of writing this was version 0.3
wget https://github.com/worproject/rpi5-uefi/releases/download/v0.3/RPi5_UEFI_Release_v0.3.zip --directory-prefix=/tmp/
Extract the downloaded Raspberry Pi Firmware to the mounted EFI partition.
sudo unzip /tmp/RPi5_UEFI_Release_v0.3.zip -d /tmp/efipartition
Install RPi 3 Firmware
If using a Raspberry Pi 3, download the latest firmware from the Raspberry Pi 3 UEFI Firmware GitHub page. At the time of writing this was version 1.39
wget https://github.com/pftf/RPi3/releases/download/v1.39/RPi3_UEFI_Firmware_v1.39.zip --directory-prefix=/tmp/
Extract the downloaded Raspberry Pi Firmware to the mounted EFI partition.
sudo unzip /tmp/RPi4_UEFI_Firmware_v1.39.zip -d /tmp/efipartition
Unmount EFI Partition
Unmount the EFI partition and remove the device from the local system.
sudo umount /tmp/efipartition
Boot Raspberry Pi
Connect the created Flatcar drive to the Raspberry Pi. Verify an ethernet cable is connected. Power on, or connect the power cable, to boot the device.
If, optionally, a monitor is plugged into the device, you will be presented with the Flatcar login prompt after the initial boot process is completed. In the Ignition configuration, we only configured SSH keys, so will not be able to login at the prompt. Connect via SSH on your local system.
Connect To Flatcar
Connect to Flatcar using SSH. Define the SSH private key to use when connecting.
ssh [email protected] -p 22 -i /path/to/id_rsa
SSH Config
Optionally, add an SSH configuration for the Flatcar system.
nano $HOME/.ssh/config
Define the Flatcar Raspberry Pi values.
Host flatcar-pi
Port 22
User core
IdentityFile /path/to/id_rsa
Then connect via SSH using the defined host.
ssh flatcar-pi
Flatcar Project Contributors. “Customizing the SSH daemon.” 2024. ↩︎ ↩︎
Flatcar Project Contributors. “Flatcar Container Linux Documentation.” 2024. ↩︎
Flatcar Project Contributors. “Flatcar Container Linux Documentation.” 2024. ↩︎
Raspberry Pi Foundation. “Raspberry Pi Documentation.” 2024. ↩︎