Argon ONE Setup

Last Edit: 2024.07.30

Raspberry Pi OS

Debian / Ubuntu


Complete the Argon ONE setup process to utilize all case features on a Raspberry Pi.


  • Logged in as administrative user.


The Argon ONE V2, Argon ONE M.2 NVMe, Argon ONE M.2 SATA, and Argon ONE all use the same setup script.

Download the setup script from the Argon 40 website to the tmp directory.

wget --directory-prefix=/tmp/

Modify the file permissions for the setup script so it can be executed.

chmod 750 /tmp/

Launch the script to begin setup.


When installation is completed, a “Setup Completed” messaage will appear followed by the version number.


With the Argon utility installed, all features of the Argon ONE case are now usable. The power button will have more input controls, fan speed will be set to scale with device heat, and configuration options will be available via the argon-config tool.

Power Button

The complete list of power button actions with the utility installed are listed below, as seen in the Argon ONE manual.

OFFShort PressTurn ON
ONLong Press (>= 3s)Soft Shutdown
ONShort Press (< 3s)N/A
ONDouble PressReboot
ONLong Press (>= 5s)Forced Shutdown


The Argon utility can be configured via the Argon configuration tool argon-config, or by modifying the /etc/argononed.conf file directly.

Launch the Argon configuration tool using the argon-config command.


Four options will be presented.

  1. Configure Fan - Configure case fan speed.
  2. Configure IR - Configure an IR remote control.
  3. Configure Units - Configure numerical units.
  4. Uninstall - Uninstall the Argon utility.

Fan Speed

Select Configure Fan to open the fan speed configuration tool. Three options will be presented for fan operation.

  1. Always on - Full send.
  2. Adjust to temperatures (55C, 60C, and 65C) - Define fan speeds for default temperatures.
  3. Customize temperature cut-offs - Define temperatures and fan speeds.

The recommended values are noted in the following table. If no modifications are made, these are the values that will be used by default.

Temperature (C)Fan Speed (%)


1 2 3 4

  1. Argon 40. “Argon ONE M.2 NVMe.” 2022. ↩︎

  2. Argon 40. “Argon ONE M.2 SATA.” 2022. ↩︎

  3. Argon 40. “Argon ONE V2.” 2022. ↩︎

  4. Raspberry Pi Foundation. “Raspberry Pi Documentation.” 2024. ↩︎